3rd Pineridge Brownies: Alouette District

About Whonnock

Whonnock Community


Whonnock Lake Park

Whonnock Lake Centre



Whonnock Elementary

For Tiny Tots


Whonnock Foundation

Community Services

Ridge Canoe and Kayak Club

Scouting & Guides
   1st Whonnock Group
   3rd Pineridge Brownies

Leisure Programs

Arts and Crafts

History in Pictures

Whonnock Notes

More History Readings

Whonnock Archives

Heritage Buildings & Sites



Heidi (604) 462-7193

Get your
Girl Guide Cookies

$4 a box

Heidi 604 462 7193
Brownies: 7 and 8 year olds
Do you enjoy making new friends and having FUN? How about participating in exciting activities you can't do on your own?
Come and join us for a sleepover, skating, swimming, crafts, games and more.
Have you had the chance to try out camping, campfire, hiking and outdoor activities? Come and join us.
Do you like getting involved in your community and making a difference? Are there life skills you want to learn?
Our units are run by trained adult women, who have a lot to share!
For more information go to the following Web sites:
Girl Guides of Canada
Girl Guides of British Columbia
Lougheed Area Girl Guides